Saturday, August 21, 2010

Char Keoh Khak 炒粿角, Lorong Macalister

Venue: It's a stall by the road of Lorong Macalister.. It's also just outside the cafe named Seow Fong Lye Cafe 新小蓬莱茶室
Here's the location.

This is the stall.. It's open since 1963..
It's by the side of Lorong Macalister.
新小蓬莱茶室 is just further on the right in the photo.


The cafe behind the 炒粿角 stall sells this.. Cheesy Toast..

Open daily from 7am to 1pm.

94c, Lorong Macalister,
11400 Georgetown, Pulau Pinang.
Tel: 012 - 457 5238


Justin Choo said...

Doesn't look tempting enough. The quantity is very small too.

On another note, your prompting regarding clicking the ads may land you in trouble if the ad admin knows about it. The term states that you are not supposed to do that.

Take care.

It's About Food said...

Just removed that prompt. Thanks for informing. Haha.. said...

It may not look attempting from photo but can go and check it out by urself.