Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Food around 伊達邵碼頭 Ita Thao Pier, Yuchi Township, Nantou County

伊達邵碼頭 Ita Thao Pier is one of the three piers at 日月潭 Sun Moon Lake. From there, you can take cable car to 九族文化村 Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village. Below are a few local delicacies around the place. Since it was a vegetarian festival during the time we went, all the food sold were vegetarian.
Here's the location.

麻糬 Mochi NT100 for 8 pcs

烤小米麻糬 Roasted Rice Cake NT35

紅茶 Black Tea NT45

炒麵(素) Vegetarian Fried Noodle, 夾心豆干 Tofu sandwich, and Fried Potato Ball with Mushrooms NT165 (for all 3)

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